Providing safe working conditions and maintaining continuity of employment is of continual concern. In this regard, it is important that adequate policies and procedures be developed and adhered to in order to ensure safe, efficient operating conditions, thereby safeguarding employees and facilities.

The Company will not knowingly permit unsafe conditions to exist, nor will it permit employees to indulge in unsafe acts. Violations of Company rules and regulations will result in disciplinary action.

The Company believes that the safety of employees and physical property can best be ensured by a meaningful program.

a. Employee

Since the employee on the job is frequently more aware of unsafe conditions than anyone else, employees are encouraged to make recommendations, suggestions, and criticisms of unsafe conditions to their immediate supervisor so that they may be corrected.

b. Supervisors

Supervisors are responsible for the working conditions within their department and the plant generally. A supervisor should remain alert at all times to dangerous and unsafe conditions, so that he/she may recommend corrective action, discipline employees who habitually create or indulge in unsafe practices, assess new or changed situations for inherent dangers, and follow up on employee suggestions for corrective action so that unsafe conditions are not instituted or permitted to exist.


Company operates in accordance with International Consulting Management guidelines and as such encourages the employee’s involvement in company-wide safety committee meetings to be held quarterly. The committee will specify procedures and actions to be taken in the event of fires, security and other emergencies. Decisions and recommendations will be communicated via the departmental team meetings.


All employees are required to immediately report all occupational illnesses or injuries to your supervisor, no matter how minor, and complete an occupational illness or injury form.